It would have sounded strange to me not too long ago, but something very big is going on!
In the months during my comet observations but prior to my sighting of the "companion" I learned of a couple of stories that I just can't stop thinking about. I believe I know of two cases of people who may have been abducted and taken to something that sounds a lot like "the companion."
One is a man from Houston who I started talking to several months ago (while I was imaging Hale Bopp nightly, but before I saw the companion). He was abducted in 1989 and taken to a craft so huge he could not even comprehend its size. He told me his guess was 500 miles wide, although he conceded it was very hard to guess about something that big and it could have been a lot larger. The beings told him they were in an orbit approaching the sun that was inclined 90 degrees to the orbit of the earth! From his vantage point he said the sunlight was extremely dim (in 1989, HB was beyond Saturn where the sun is virtually just a very bright star). I can absolutely verify he first said these things in 1989, long before anyone had spotted the comet. And yes, HB's orbit is inclined almost exactly 90 degrees to the earth's orbit!
I must emphasize that even now, he is not convinced he was taken to the companion. HeÆs even considered that his entire experience was the work of some secret government experiment. He doesnÆt know or claim to know what happened to him. He only knows something very strange occurred. This is also not his only abduction experience, just the only one that sounds to me like the companion.
And then, There's Louis Farrakhan
The other case that I feel deserves more study is Louis Farrakhan. While even the mention of his name makes some people bristle, they should at least know about this story. It was carried in one of the big Washington papers. But Brokaw and Rather missed it.
Farrakhan claims he was abducted in Mexico City in 1990 (about a year before the eclipse there and the beginning of a wave of UFO sightings that continue to this day). He says he was taken to a huge "wheel" or "mothership" which was very far from the earth, although the U.S. government was aware of its existence. It was during this abduction that Farrakhan says he met Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and other religious figures who told him to do the million man march. They assured him that there would indeed be a million men there (something our government tried to weasel out of admitting - remember at first they said it was only 250 thousand, then 400 thousand, then 850 thousand. The actual credible count is 1.1 million!) He said the "mothership" was approaching the earth and soon the day would come when the secret could no longer be kept. Farrakhan says the mission of the ship is to free the oppressed of the earth. I certainly do not want to be quoted on things Farrakhan said as I am not sure of the exact wording. But to the best of my recollection thatÆs the story.